Meet the Interns! // Part 2
Today we continue to meet our summer interns! Here are four more: Christina Stoecker, Peter Hackler, Ashlyn Murphy, and Helena Pumphrey (pictured left to right). Christina will be working as a coach for the 4th and 5th grade small group leaders in Base Camp. Her main goals are to create a plan to help transition 5th graders from Base Camp to Surge as well as to work on the curriculum for those students. She originally became more involved with Summit when she began volunteering in Base Camp for Team Summer as a small group leader. She loved it so much that she continued to serve throughout the school year. Christina says that during her internship, she is most excited about deepening her relationship with God as well as surrounding herself with an amazing community of other Christians.
Peter, a Student Ministries intern, will be working to grow the worship team for Surge and The Edge that will continue into the fall and spring. He says that he is most excited to get to know the staff and that they have been incredibly kind. He also looks forward to seeing the creative and logistical side of worship planning. For those considering an internship, Peter encourages you to not give up on it. He explains that he applied for an internship last summer but didn’t get it and he decided to apply again this year and it worked out!
Ashlyn joins us as intern with reGROUP. She is tasked with planning an appreciation event for the amazing reGROUP leaders as well as throwing a graduation ceremony to celebrate the achievements of recovery made by the participants. She hopes that through the events, both the leaders and participants will know that the work they are doing is important and that we as a church value their commitment to finding healing in Christ. Ashlyn’s favorite thing about interning is the way that she gets to have a behind-the-scenes look at how Summit works day in and day out as well as getting to know all of the wonderful, kind people that make it all happen. Also, the free coffee and hanging out with John Parker doesn’t hurt either!
Helena is charged with creating a Community Engagement Resource Brochure that would facilitate that department’s ability to help those in need. This brochure will have all of the resources organized in one place and allow our Community Engagement Coordinator, Niki Wilkerson, to provide relevant information and referrals for people in one, compact place. Helena was inspired to apply for an internship because of her interest in Local and Global Partnerships. This interest began when she went on a trip to Africa last summer and found that she felt God’s presence more than ever, which assured her of her calling to do missions work.