Stories From The Herndon Lobby
Standing in the Lobby at the Herndon campus the past couple of weeks has been such an awesome experience. I am super excited about how God continues to use this place in big ways. There are first time visitors at Summit every week and in my new post-service spot (the Information Booth), I have a front row seat to all that God is doing, and has been doing, in our community. There is a lot to be pumped up about!
These are just a few of the small moments I’ve had the privilege to see over the past couple weeks…
“We all have a story, and through sharing our story with others we are reminded of our own unique experience. ”
A family jumped in and sought group life after moving to Orlando only a couple of weeks ago— engaging in ministry here within 5 days of their first visit. There is the young lady who shared with me that she hasn't been this comfortable in a church environment in the past 11 years—mentioning how she appreciated all of the welcoming smiles and greetings on her way in. I watched a girl text her mom in joy stating her boyfriend (who had had an awful church experience ten years ago and never been back) "actually came to a church… and he liked it!” I’ve witnessed the heartache of a life thrown off track by the splitting of a marriage and the loss of a job, but also the energy of hopeful anticipation in their eye as they looked for the right Connect group here at Summit, ready for the next chapter. I met a group of people who have called Summit their home for more than 10 years. They shared about the time the building was damaged by a hurricane and the church met in a park under some trees. They remembered kids hanging out in the trees while the sermon was given and how it just locked them into this place that "always finds a way to make it happen."
The energy that fresh faces and old stories bring to Summit is everywhere. If you have been attending Summit for a while and you are passing an unfamiliar face in the hallway, in the Lobby, or while getting coffee, be bold. Stick your hand out, and say "Hi, I am Dan, how long have you been at Summit? " (You should probably use your own name, or that could be weird to explain later.)
On the other end of that handshake will be an amazing energy in the form of someone’s story. Energy that comes from a new attendee experiencing church for either the first time or the first time in a long time. Energy that lives in old stories that remind you of those special moments that are created inside and outside the walls of Summit. We all have a story, and through sharing our story with others we are reminded of our own unique experience. We get a chance to be energized by someone else's, new and old.
So, keep connecting! I look forward to hearing more of your stories from my post-service post! Come see me.
My name is Dan. How long have you been coming to Summit?
Dan Sherfield is the Summit Connect Director at the Herndon campus. Email him if you're interested in finding out how you can connect in community here at Summit!