Invite To Your Heart Party
It’s definitely not as intimidating or trapping as I once thought. I mean trapping as in having to be perfect and hold your Bible everywhere you go and wear a dress that covers your ankles to your chin. No. You are the same person you were two minutes earlier, but now you have this SUPER cool unfathomable sense of safety. This sense of safety is something that washes over you like the wave that washed over you while you were under the water being baptized— it’s something indescribable that you can only get from this MEGA life-changing event.
“Deciding whether or not to be baptized made me realize that going to church and leading an honest and ‘good’ life doesn’t necessarily mean you are a Christian. Faith is something you believe and feel in your mind and heart. ”
My baptism day was one of those days I’ll always remember, but not in a moment-by-moment slideshow, but instead as a blur of joy and happiness that automatically causes a smile to creep up on my face. Deciding whether or not to be baptized made me realize that going to church and leading an honest and “good” life doesn’t necessarily mean you are a Christian. Faith is something you believe and feel in your mind and heart. Once you feel it in your heart that you’ve FINALLY given God the invite to your heart party (and He has been waiting for you to turn toward Him for your entire life...and before that too) it may be time to make that decision public.
Being baptized made me actually care about other people and want to serve them and bring them joy. It’s so crazy how doing this makes me extremely happy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a high school girl. I make time for myself to succeed too. But, ever since my baptism, I’ve seen God and His lessons in practically everything. I can just sit back and appreciate life’s quirks, and it’s super pleasing to be able to see in a new light. I mean, He does things for a reason. You may not see it now, but you will eventually understand why God did something; and that mindset makes things not so bad.
Baptism has helped me to know that God is in charge and actually trust myself in His hands because I finally invited Him to my heart party. Baptism has helped me realize that God has clothed me in strength and dignity that I’ve never had before, and I can live in that strength and dignity for all my days to come. Baptism is an experience like no other. If you’ve invited Jesus to your heart party, you should really think about getting baptized— once you are ready and you’ll know when you are. To me, it seems like I became conscious in October of 2015 on my baptism day and that’s pretty cool.
Our next Beach Baptism is April 10th. If you feel like God has been calling you to take this next step of faith, we would love to stand alongside you on your baptism day and cheer you on. You can find more information here about how to register for baptism and where you need to be on April 10th to celebrate those in our church family being baptized.
Guest Blogger Asha Tolliver is a tenth-grade student at The Edge. If you attend the Herndon campus, you’ve probably seen her around serving in some capacity! She is a tremendous example of a student at Summit diving into ministry here— she volunteers at Surge, in Base Camp, and on First Impressions.