August 30th
Children’s Videos & Resources | August 30th
Below you’ll find videos and resources for the week of August 30th. Scroll down to either the preschool or elementary resource section, watch the video together, and go through the devotional material as a family.
Preschool | God Made Me
In our preschool ministry, kids learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.
All month long we’ve been celebrating the wonderful way God made us! Our preschoolers have heard that they are made in God’s image and are important to him. They’ve learned that God loves us so much that he sent Jesus for us, and that we can talk to him anytime, anywhere, and about anything. Isn’t God’s love amazing? We hope your whole family join in as we dance and sing praises to him! Then we’ll hear a special, true Bible story from Ollie the Owl and our clubhouse friends, all about how God made us to help others. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page and parent guide for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week!
Shared with permission ©2020 The ReThink Group.
Elementary | God Made Me
All month long we’ve been celebrating that God made us to reflect his goodness! We’ve learned that God made us in his image, with a plan in mind, to be part of his family and to have a wonderful relationship with him. This week, join Darling and the Base Camp kids for a very SPECIAL, final episode, where they’ll answer questions like, What happens when you give a potato head six pairs of eyeballs? And, What does it mean that God made you special?
After the video, be sure to check out the family devotional for more ways to help your family grow together!
Original content, property of Summit Church