My title

We are excited to
worship with you!

We are currently offering in-person, indoor services, including children’s ministry, at all three of our campuses.

Sunday Worship Service Times
Herndon Campus | 9 & 11 a.m.
Lake Mary Campus | 9 & 11 a.m.
Waterford Campus | 10 a.m.

Riverside Neighborhood Church will continue to meet outdoors at Riverside Acres Park on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.


We’d love for you to join us in person at one of our locations Sunday mornings. As we continue to align with our local government’s recommendations, masks are strongly encouraged regardless of vaccination status while indoors. For those not ready to join these services, our online service will continue to be made available every Sunday morning at 7 a.m. 

However you choose to join us, we’re glad you’re here.


Children’s Ministry

Families, we are excited to be worshiping with your kids!

 Base Camp is available for children ages 3 months to 5th grade during worship services. In alignment with Orange and Seminole County Public School guidelines, masks are required to be worn by adults and K-5th grade children while in children’s ministry environments at all Summit campuses. This includes drop-off and pick-up times.

As is true at OCPS, beginning Sunday, August 29th medical exemptions with a note will be the only method of mask opt-out for children attending Base Camp at the Herndon and Waterford Campuses.

As is true at SCPS if you would like your child to be exempt from wearing a mask at the Lake Mary Campus, you let us know at check-in (no note required).

Preschool-aged children (5 and under) are permitted to remove their mask once in their classroom. If parents prefer their child to wear a mask, just let a volunteer know and they will do their best to facilitate this preference. 

We will continue to adjust all COVID-19 related guidelines for Base Camp to align with any changes made by Orange or Seminole County public schools.



If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the children’s ministry staff member at your campus:

Herndon Children’s Ministry Director Doris Herrero
Lake Mary Children’s Ministry Director Brooke Shoopman
Waterford Children’s Ministry Coordinator Lauren Culver



Summit Students

Surge (our middle school ministry) and Edge (our high school ministry) meet at each campus for worship and Connect groups Sunday evenings. Summit Students will continue to follow Orange and Seminole County Public School guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions. As of Sunday, August 15th masks are required to be worn by all adults and students while indoors at Summit Students events at all Summit campuses.

As is true at SCPS, parents or guardians may let us know if they would like their student exempt from wearing a mask at the Lake Mary Campus. At the Herndon and Waterford Campuses, beginning Sunday, August 29th, medical exemptions with a note will be the only method of mask opt-out for students attending Student Ministries per OCPS policy.

We will continue to adjust all COVID-19 related guidelines to align with any changes made by local public schools.

SSM Fall Schedule


If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the Summit Students staff member at your campus:

Herndon Student Minister Johnny Outing

Lake Mary Student Minister Chad Buel

Waterford Student Ministries Connect Groups Coordinator Nicole Zeeb