Worship Service Information
We’d love for you to join us in person at one of our locations Sunday mornings. As of May 9th, 2021, in accordance with local county guidelines, masks are recommended but not required at our in-person services. For those not ready to join these services, our online service will continue to be made available every Sunday morning at 7 a.m.
However you choose to join us, we’re glad you’re here.
+ Will I need to RSVP?
No, as of May 9th, 2021, RSVPs are no longer required to attend services at any Summit campus.
+ Will I need to wear a mask?
Per the updated guidance and recommendations from Orange and Seminole Counties, masks are now recommended but not required at all Summit campuses (with the exception of children’s ministry areas and student ministry gatherings at the Herndon and Waterfrod Campuses).
However, out of a desire to extend hospitality to those of varying comfort levels, staff and volunteers will continue to wear masks while serving on Sundays for the time being.
+ Are there still capacity restrictions?
Per the recent executive order from the governor of Florida, signed May 3rd suspending local COVID-19 related requirements and mandates on businesses, and the subsequent reiteration from Orange and Seminole Counties, capacities will no longer be restricted in services at Summit campuses.
Our children's ministry environments however will continue to follow Seminole and Orange County Public School COVID-19 related precautions and restrict classroom capacities in correlation with those guidelines.
+ How do I give?
We will continue to not pass an offering basket during services but there are still many ways to give. You can give online, you can text the word SUMMIT to 45888, you can drop a check or cash in one of the Tithe and Offering boxes available in the Lobby at each campus, or you can mail a check to 735 Herndon Ave., Orlando, FL, 32803. Thank you for giving!
+ Should I bring my own coffee?
You absolutely can, but we will also be brewing Credo coffee, available to you at one of the multiple coffee locations in the Lobby or outside, depending on your campus. And you are welcome to bring your coffee into the Sanctuary with you!
+ Will anything else still be different?
Instead of paper bulletins, you will be directed to use your phones to access the digital bulletin for your campus. There you’ll find information about the church and events, links to details about upcoming events, this week's sermon Scripture, and the weekly budget report.
+ What if I have more questions?
We would love to make sure they are answered. Feel free to reach out to your campus pastor. If you don’t have a campus affiliation, email summit@summitconect.org
Herndon Executive Director, Tracy Beeson
Lake Mary Campus Pastor, O.J. Aldrich
Waterford Campus Pastor, Garry Abbott