The Story of God
We are all living stories. You might be living one you like—filled with highlight reels and feel-good moments. Or maybe yours isn’t quite turning out the way you thought it would, and is instead a tale of disappointment and loss.
But what if your story matters as part of a greater narrative? One that God is writing in and through your life at its best and at its worst. A story in which God redeems all of our individual stories for the sake of his.
### WEEK 1
October 25, 2015
Before we look at the Story of God, we’re going to look at God himself. By doing that we can discover what kind of author he is, what kind of story would flow out of his imagination, and what role we could play in his story.
November 1, 2015
What does the creation story tell us about who we are and what we were made for?
November 8, 2015
As we examine the entrance of sin into God’s creation in Genesis, we find that it all started with one lie. This week, we will walk through that first lie and the implications it has on how we live our lives today.
### WEEK 4
November 15, 2015
This week, we proceed in The Story of God, to Cain and Abel. Here, we see anger, jealousy, hatred, and eventually murder. We are able to look closely at how Cain’s lack of faith in God gave sin an entrance into his life. We see then how God tries to help Cain understand the danger his heart was in as soon as hatred towards his brother begins to emerge. Finally, God reacts to Cain’s sin, still inviting him into relationship, and eventually overcoming sin all together on the cross.
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November 22, 2015
As we concluded our study of God’s story in Genesis, we looked at God’s promise to Abraham and learned what we can expect from God when we walk with Him and trust Him. We can expect to be reminded of who He is—God Almighty who can redeem anything. We can expect Him to tell us our true name, which will change the way we see ourselves. Finally, we can expect that God will do what He says He will do and invite us in to work with Him for the sake of others.
Herndon • Lake Mary • Waterford