

Eat, sleep, repeat.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
May, June, July.

There is a rhythm to our days, a cyclical nature to our lives, a pattern to our actions. Each day we make the big and small choices that add up to the habitual and inevitable tendencies that are building our lives and our stories. We make room for what we decide matters—what we devote ourselves to.

So, where and how do we fit God in? If our devotion brings God glory, what tools do we have to draw closer to him and reflect him better to the world around us? How do we use our days to connect with the one who gifted us our days?




NOVEMBER 19, 2017

Praying & Fasting

Kailey Newkirk  |  Herndon Campus

Food is a symbol. The way we feel when we deprive ourselves of it—the pain, the grumbling, the desperation for even one mouthful, the need—this is a reflection of the condition of our soul when it is deprived of communion with Jesus.

NOVEMBER 12, 2017

Reading Scripture

Jeff Kern  |  Herndon Campus

When it comes to reading the Bible, there's a tension that needs to be resolved; it's intimidating to most people. But here's a helpful idea: don't see it as simply time spent reading a book; see it instead as time with the person of the book—Jesus.

NOVEMBER 5, 2017


Tithing is about more than our relationship with money. It's really about our relationship with God and how we trust him.



OCTOBER 29, 2017


Andy Simonds  |  Herndon Campus

A sermon about worship, and more importantly about what it means to be a worshipper.

OCTOBER 22, 2017


Kailey Newkirk  |  Herndon Campus

It’s easy for us to view Sabbath as simply a day off—and it’s not bad to take a day off (you should!)—but the heart of Sabbath is about being refreshed and refilled. When we rest in God, we're doing more than taking a day off. We're acknowledging that we have enough and that there is no real value that could be added to our lives with an extra day of labor. We need rest, God intended us to have it, and if we don’t, there are consequences.

OCTOBER 15, 2017


Jim Keller  |  Herndon Campus

There are four steps leading to baptism: desire, inquire, believe, and act.

OCTOBER 8, 2017


At the Lord's Table we find a new family, we find a new way to see people, leadership is redefined, and we see both the past and the future.



Summit Churchpast