niceSERVE Sermon Series

To experience your specific campus' service, please visit the

Herndon, Lake Mary, or Waterford Soundcloud. 

When God created the heavens and the earth, he did so in a way that all of the moving pieces would work together in perfect harmony, peace, shalom.

That perfection was disrupted the day that sin entered the world. The fabric that God wove together when he spun everything we know into existence was torn. But he had a plan and he set about to repair what was broken.

His plan is us. God is using his broken people to put the broken pieces of the world back together, to weave the fabric back to rightness.

April 30, 2017

Week 1

John Parker

Sign up today to participate in our church-wide service week, niceSERVE!

May 7, 2017

Week 2

Herndon Campus

Sign up today to participate in our church-wide service week, niceSERVE!

May 14, 2017

Week 3

Herndon Campus

Sign up today to participate in our church-wide service week, niceSERVE!

May 21, 2017

Week 4

Herndon Campus

So many hours of service were given throughout this last week across all four campuses! We were able to serve several non-profits that we partner with, our communities, and even several members of the Summit family. Today, we celebrate all those hours of service as well as the one who first showed us how to serve.

Summit Churchpast