
Esther: Week 4 | November 22, 2020 | Kailey Newkirk


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Additional Resources


Talk About It

  • What are some "silver bullets" that have let you down over the years? (Funny or serious!)

  • Who are the surrogates you are most likely to ask to fight your battles for you? How has this been effective or ineffective in your life?

  • What have been the wins and the losses of putting faith only in yourself?

  • Silver bullets, surrogates, and self-sufficiency are all ways that we try to keep control, but the truth is—we never really had it to begin with. Where are the places in your life you need to place your faith in Jesus, but you're also most scared to let go of control?



Esther: Week 3 | November 15, 2020 | Kailey Newkirk


Watch on YouTube and subscribe to our channel here!



Additional Resources



Talk About It

  • What have been some defining moments in your own life? Does it feel like you're on the cusp of any defining moments right now?

  • Have you ever lived with a foot in two different camps? Why was it hard to make a choice and pick a camp? What was it like for you to live that way?

  • How would surrendering the outcomes change the way you live and prepare for what God calls you to?



Esther: Week 2 | November 8, 2020 | Kailey Newkirk


Watch on YouTube and subscribe to our channel here!



Additional Resources



Talk About It

  • What are the "Babylons" (the places you don't want to be but you are) in your life right now? How can you uniquely bring peace to different areas of your life?

  • Have you ever found yourself, like Esther, unaware of an issue that was affecting many people (but not you)? What are some ways we can increase awareness of these issues?

  • What are some ways that evil has tried to conceal itself from you in the past?



Esther: Week 1 | November 1, 2020 | Kailey Newkirk


Watch on YouTube and subscribe to our channel here!



Additional Resources



Talk About It

  • Where in your life have you tended to view pain or waiting as punishment from God?

  • In what areas of your life are you most tempted to believe that God is not actually in control? How do you tend to behave in seasons when you don't feel like God has a plan?

  • How do your personal choices matter in a world that is ruled by a sovereign God?


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