Whom Angels Greet
To announce the long-expected, promised, and holy arrival of Jesus, God communicated by sending His heavenly and exceptional messengers: angels.
Through four distinct visits, these angels brought messages of promise, proclamation, protection, and praise. As we prepare for the Messiah’s arrival in joyful anticipation, we look to the Angels of the Lord and echo their joyous strains—a Savior has come. God is with us indeed!
Advent: Stand Alone
As we enter into the Advent season, we enter into an intentional season of waiting. Looking at the first chapter of John, we see a message written to a people in waiting. God’s people had been waiting in exile and in darkness for their promised King for years. Just as they were waiting for God to step in and fulfill His promise, so are we in a time of waiting; a time between when Jesus entered this world to illuminate the way to God and the time when He will reign on this earth again.
The Story of God
10/25 - 11/22
We are all living stories. You might be living one you like—filled with highlight reels and feel-good moments. Or maybe yours isn’t quite turning out the way you thought it would...
The Church Is..
9/17 - 10/11
In The Church Is, we looked at the core identity of the Church. This identity was present in the first church described in Acts 2, and has been the identity of every true church since. In order to understand our unique expression as a church, we must first understand our identity as people devoted to God, in community, on mission, for God’s glory.
Coming Soon!
Africa Sunday
We know that God wants us to be a part of what he is doing in bringing hope in very desperate circumstances. This Africa Sunday, we looked at how we engage in global ministry at Summit and at Jeremiah 32. Like Jeremiah, God invites us to invest in the long shot and trust him to set the world to rights.
Coming Soon!
Vision Sunday
On this year's Vision Sunday, we celebrated 13 years since Summit opened its doors. Our Vision is rooted in the work of Christ, his charge to the Church, and the beautiful picture of what that looked like in the early Church. The Church is all of us, every day. And the world is desperate for us to be that.
Coming Soon!
5/28 - 9/6
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." In this summer-long series, we studied the first eight chapters of Romans and discovered together what it looks like to live in light of the Good News.
Coming Soon!