Main Idea

Throughout the years, we use Vision Sunday as an opportunity to step out of our normal teaching rhythm to look at the vision of Summit and all that God has called us to be as a church. Together, we celebrate what God has already done in and through Summit, understand there’s work yet to be done, and recognize that our participation in the vision draws us into Christ-centered community. There is great significance and potential when we, as a body of believers, join in on a common purpose together.


  1. John, in reminiscing about the early days of Summit, says that most people that came during that season didn’t come because it was going to be comfortable, but because they believed that God had invited them into his work in this world. Has there been a time in your life when you, however reluctantly it may have been, followed God despite a lack of comfortability and convenience

  2. During Vision Sunday, John shares an old story of him and Worship Pastor Andy Simonds creating “some sort of macabre Home Depot death sled” instead of their initial vision to spend the summer building a go-kart powered by a motorcycle engine. Can you think of an instance where you have settled for a lesser vision? In your family, work life, relationship with Jesus? What are ways you can keep your passion toward a particular vision alive?


  1. Jesus deeply cares about our here-and-now. Are there ways that you can, in light of this truth, show others that they matter to God in the present? Where have you maybe fallen short in this regard? What can you do to be mindful of this in the future?

  2. In John 13, Jesus says to his disciples that “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” There is something that God wants to show the world and he choose to do this through Christ-centered community. How have you seen this in your relationships or in the relationships of others? What are ways you can love people differently—in a way that reflects Jesus to the world?

  3. We are never meant to follow Jesus alone. John says that to fully engage with God’s mission in the world, we have to engage God’s people. What are ways you can step into community that you never have before? Or how can you open up your community and start inviting others in?

Next Steps

The charge at the end of Vision Sunday is clear—get in community for your own sake and for the sake of others. If you are not in a Connect group, we hope you’ll take steps toward entering into one. If you are already in a Connect group, consider opening your doors so more people can be a part of your community, or even multiplying your reach by splitting the group and being available for more people to encounter Jesus through community. Reach out to our Summit Connect Director if you have any questions about community at Summit and how you can be a part of it.