I just love God’s timing.
Last night I took my two girls shopping to get their supplies for the upcoming school year. I felt a little unsettled as I let them both toss whatever they wanted off their list into our cart. Four of this...three of that...we just buy it and don’t think twice. The next morning as I walked into church, a slide flashed up on the screen before service began which read “Backpack Drive.” During Strategic Concerns, the congregation was challenged to participate by purchasing backpacks and school supplies to help provide students in our community with the things they need to start the school year.
Yes! That’s it! There is something our family can do to serve. Something small, but not so small. So, we headed back out today to have our girls experience generosity in a tangible way. To remind them that things like backpacks and school supplies are a privilege and we have so much to be grateful for. To remind them that others are in need and we can help. We can get a backpack, even two, and fill them with supplies.
The girls each picked a backpack and loaded them with supplies; one with a kindergarten girl in mind and one with a second grade girl in mind. We had so much fun filling them up and then headed to checkout. Of all the lines at Target, we happened to end up in one with a sweet lady who was quite enamored with the girls’ choices and so excited for them. She kept commenting, thinking they were for them for school. I finally said, “Oh no, they aren’t for them. We are giving them away.” She jumped on this opportunity for conversation and wanted to know more so I told her about Summit’s Backpack Drive.
Then, the tears began.
I looked up and she had tears in her eyes. She said, “That was me. I had five kids and I couldn’t get them backpacks.” As she looked away, the tears kept coming and I started crying as well. We hugged. She continued, “Thank you. Really, thank you. This matters.”
I don’t think this happened just so I’d feel awesome or people would think that I was awesome. I think it happened to remind you and me that God is always at work. He is real and he is moving, even in the checkout lane at Target.
“I think it happened to remind you and me that God is always at work.”
We went home and filled the backpacks with pencils and pens and notes from our family. And we all went to sleep with really full hearts.
Why not take it a step further?
Let’s say a prayer for the children that will receive these backpacks—for their year, for their families, friends, and for their teachers.
Let’s sneak some notes in the backpacks and encourage these boys and girls.
Let’s spread the word and help Summit collect more than its goal this year.
Let’s use this opportunity as a step toward developing a life of service in our families: to be the hands and feet of Jesus by using our resources to love our community well!
It's that time of year again! Be a part of Summit's Backpack Drive by helping us reach our goal to collect 500 backpacks!
Guest blogger Courtney DeFeo blogs at courtneydefeo.com. Her passion is, "to empower moms and change little lives through innovation in the home."