COVID-19 Update: Children's Ministry Wellness Policy

In Base Camp, we are committed to doing all we can to keep your family safe! For now, we are implementing new procedures related to mask-wearing, class sizes, sanitization, and check-in registration. We love caring for your kids and believe these procedures will create an environment that protects the health and safety of families and volunteers. 

For now, we are asking all families who wish to participate in children’s ministry Sunday morning services to preview the wellness policy outlined below. There will be some capacity limits for classrooms due to continued precautions that align with public schools and volunteer availability, so children will be checked in on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Check out this video with your kids so the whole family can stay in the loop.


Thank you for helping us protect the health of all Summit families. We look forward to welcoming your kids into Base Camp!

New Check-in Procedures

  1. All children age 2 and older will be required to wear a mask while in children’s ministry areas at the Herndon and Waterford Campuses. Preschool-aged children will have the option of removing masks once in their classroom. Children in elementary grades will be asked to wear masks at all times (mask exceptions are permitted with a doctor’s note).

  2. Adults will be required to wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up while in the immediate children’s ministry areas at the Herndon and Waterford Campuses.

  3. At the Lake Mary Campus, masks are recommended but not required in all Base Camp classrooms and environments. If parents prefer their child to wear their mask, just let the volunteer know and they will do their best to facilitate.

  4. We cannot check in a child who is exhibiting any of the following symptoms: 

    • Fever of 99.8 degrees F or above

    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Persistent and/or productive cough

    • Colored or heavy nasal discharges

    • Rashes on the face or body

    • Diarrhea within the past 24 hours

    • Nausea or vomiting with the past 24 hours

    • Cold symptoms such as: runny nose, pink eyes, sore throat, headaches, etc..

    • Has had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the past 14 days or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. 

  5. A Base Camp team member may check your child(ren) in at one of our kiosks. Some self check-in sites may be available at your campus as well. 

  6. A Base Camp team member will greet you and perform a touch-free temperature check on your child. 

  7. For your convenience, sanitizing stations will be available at check-in and check-out. 

  8. We will be monitoring hallway traffic and may at times limit the amount of people in the hallways for everyone’s safety and wellbeing. We are encouraging (whenever possible) just one parent or guardian to enter for drop-off and pick-up to aid with physical distancing. 

Hand-Washing Practices

  1. Staff and volunteers will be asked to sanitize their hands immediately upon arriving in the Base Camp area. 

  2. We will encourage frequent hand washing among children and volunteers. 

Classroom Cleaning Processes

  1. All classrooms and bathrooms will be wiped down and high-touch surfaces will be sanitized between services. 

  2. In addition to regular Base Camp cleaning procedures, our environments are cleaned by a professional cleaning crew on a weekly basis. 

Additional Practices for Infection Control

  1. Staff & volunteers will wear masks. All children above the age of 2 will also be required to wear a mask. Preschoolers ONLY will be permitted to take off their masks once they arrive in their classroom.  

  2. Staff & volunteers will use gloves during snack times, feeding, diapering & restroom assistance. 

  3. We will be limiting the use of shared items by implementing separate curriculum supplies and classroom activities per service. 

Updated 6/27/21

Summit Churchcovid-19