COVID-19 Update: Reopening Campuses for Worship Services


We look forward to reopening the Herndon, Lake Mary, and Waterford Campuses for worship services! Join us in person for service as we begin our Advent sermon series on Sunday, November 29th.

There are a few changes to be aware of as we move back to worshiping in buildings, but before we get into those details, we want to remind you that the online service is still available. Now may not be the right time for everyone to return to worship in person, and that is OK. We encourage you to make the best decision for you and your family or loved ones. And we’re just as excited to continue joining in worship with you online. The great thing about being the church together is we can do that wherever we are!

So, if you’re thinking you’re ready to join us again in-person, here’s what you should know!

  • There will be services at 9 and 11 a.m. as well as Children’s Ministry for 3 months to 5th grade at all three of the campuses.

  • We ask that you RSVP for everyone in your party, including kids in Children’s Ministry. RSVPs will be made available each week the Monday ahead of service. This allows us to maintain certain capacities for physical distancing as well as give you an understanding of numbers to decide what’s best for you.

  • Masks will be required for everyone ages 2 and up. Once in classrooms, preschoolers will have the option to remove their mask, unless parents prefer they keep it on—let a volunteer know!

  • We have done our best to accommodate for physical distancing in common areas and the Sanctuary. Look for dots on the floor, directional signs, and spaced-out seating!

If you’re ready to RSVP, want to learn more about our reopening plans, or have any questions, you can do so below.

We’re working and preparing for reopening on Sunday, November 29th behind the scenes right now! If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer during services, we’d love to hear from you. Get connected with us here and a staff member from your campus will tell you more about what’s needed.

In addition to on-campus worship services and the online service, the newest formal expression of Summit, Riverside Neighborhood Church, is still gathering Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at Riverside Acres Park. Feel free to visit them any week! We are also so glad to see many of the house churches that have formed in this season continuing to gather together.

Through all the ups and downs of this year, we’re so thankful to worship our gracious, creative, and sovereign God with all of you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for continuing to be the church with us.


UpdatesSummit Churchcovid-19